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Life's Crazy.

Do you guys ever just stop and think about how crazy life really is? Like how one little decision can change the entire course of your life. Or how everything single thing happens for some reason, whether we know it or understand it?

I was talking with a close, life-long friend of mine yesterday and we were just reminiscing on all of the things that have happened in our lives to bring us to the point we're at today. We've completely drifted apart, had fights, and dealt with awful people, but have managed to forget it all and continue on to build a friendship that is so special to me. If we both were stuck in the past and dwelling on the things that have happened, there's no way we would have even been having that conversation together, which I personally think is a crazy thing to think about. We each had to go through those seasons of life in order to be where we are in the present. All the heartbreaks, people we've meet, places we've been to, accomplishments, failures, and other stupid little details really matter in the grand scheme of things.

Looking back on my life, I am so happy to be where I am right now. I finally feel free and at peace with everything that I've ever been through. Life hasn't been all sunshine and rainbows, and I think it is like that for everyone, but when you face those "demons" and really think about it with the mindset of "damn, thank GOD that happened because look where I am now" it really changes everything. And what's even crazier to think about is that this is only the beginning.

Life can take so many unexpected turns, but rather than sitting back and dwelling on it, we have to understand that it's all apart of the plan. His plan. I'll be quite honest with you all, having faith in a higher power changes your entire outlook on life. You don't question the stupid shit that happens in your life. You have faith and trust in the fact that it's all working out for something greater, and I think that's honestly the number one key to living a fulfilled and successful life.

Having a grateful heart is so important because at the end of the day there is truly SO much in this world that we should be thankful for. A roof over our heads, the car we drive, friends and family that love us, this beautiful world, our health, our brains, our minds. Just think about it. We were given so much when we were put on this Earth, and often times we all take too much advantage of it. When you really sit back and reflect on all there is to be grateful for, the little shit doesn't matter anymore.

We've all had our fair shares of heartbreaks, failures, and unexpected changes, but it's just a part of life. You are never alone in your experiences. There's always someone out there that has gone through something similar AND there's ALWAYS someone there with His hand on your heart guiding you to the place you're supposed to be, whether you realize it or not.

Some of you may not be religious or spiritual or whatever you want to call it, and that's okay. I don't ever want to be the person that pushes my faith onto others, however, I do think there is something so amazing about being faithful and believing in a higher power. It truly changed my entire outlook on life and has single handedly been the best choice I've ever made for myself. Am I perfect little church girl? Fuck no, and I'll never claim to be. But, the Aliza 4 years ago, or even 2 years ago, shit maybe even 1 year ago, would still be sitting here dwelling on something that happened 6 months ago, rather than releasing control and understanding that everything happens for our own greater good. No matter how shitty it may feel at the time, something great always comes out of it.

Life is crazy. There's ups and downs, happy days and sad days, accomplishments and failures. But, that's what makes it so amazing. None of us honestly have any clue what we're doing, so sitting here trying to figure out why something happened the way it did is just a waste of time. There is really no point in holding onto things that no longer serve us. There's so much life to live and so much to experience in this world. Holding onto negative thoughts or feelings hinders your ability to fully experience life's greatest moments.

If any of you are struggling to find peace with something that has happened to you, I advise you to do whatever you possibly can to just release it. Do what you have to do to find peace in your heart and accept that it just is what it is sometimes and you can't control it. I promise you, life will begin to feel a lot easier as soon as you do.

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